30 Seconds to Shoreditch Soup!
The guests at the afterparty for Jared Leto's band 30 Second To Mars were almost as rubbish as their music last night at east London's Shoreditch House...
Read the whole story on Holy Moly! http://www.holymoly.com/celebrity-news/jared-letos-30-second-mars-afterparty-turnout-bit-embarrassing51253#ixzz16sYVCsxM
The best celebrity gossip site in the world.
And poor Jared seems to be suffering from the same syndrome as Avril Lavigne - that despite hitting their late twenties and thirties, they look they're still trapped in their early teens, dying their hair bright colours, wearing beaded bracelets and rocking out to Linkin Park or Papa Roach on their minidiscs. Which is probably the best way to describe their fans too.
The only guests that bothered going to the afterparty that showed up (Jared looked as though he was ready to make a quick exit anyway with his wheelie suitcase and Nandos takeaway) were The Only Way Is Essex star and possible new egg-with-a-wig-dropped-on-top contender Lauren Pope, MTV presenter Laura Whitmore, Rupert Grint and Katie Waissel. Sadly no nan though, but of course she needs her early nights. To get through all those men!