
30 Seconds to Mars Want to Have Clips in the Tropics

Band 30 Seconds to Mars never play them in capturing video clips. For further work, they want to have a clip in the tropics.

“It would be very interesting if we have a video clip taken at the tropics yes. We’re thinking about it,” says Jared Leto, the vocalist, while chatting with us, recently.

For 30 Seconds to Mars, a video clip is described to convey the message in the song. That’s why they always want to deliver perfect video clips.

All video clips of 30 Seconds to Mars look very mature. Call it the song ‘Close to Edge’, ‘From Yesterday’ and ‘Kings and Queens’. Is there any script other video clips of their dreams?

“We want to create video clips with the concept through the boundary dimensions. Like jumping into a time machine or where to visit various places around the world,” explained Jared.

In the event the MTV Video Music Awards 2010 which will be held Sept. 30 Seconds to Mars won four nominations. It’s all thanks to video clips of ‘Kings and Queens’.
