When 30 Seconds to Mars stopped by MuchMusic last week on their way to play a sold out show in Toronto we caught up with the guys and talked touring, music videos, wheat grass opium cookies (good with milk?) and concert themes.
Check out the video under the jump!
There are a number of anomalies surrounding rock group 30 Seconds to Mars. They are fronted by singer and songwriter Jared Leto, who has successfully bridged the gap between his first public career as an actor and his work as a well-respected musician. The three American band members, consisting of Leto, his brother Shannon and Tomo Miličević, have become one of the biggest musical acts in Europe and Asia (though Miličević was born in Croatia he has lived in the states since childhood). They produce music video after music video, usually directed by Jared Leto under the pseudonym of Bartholomew Cubbins, which are artistic visual accomplishments that manage to stay away from the dreaded cheesy and pretentious feel that most short film music videos take on.
Lastly, in an industry that is over-saturated with musical acts and lacking in fan loyalty, 30STM have developed a relationship with their fans that is reminiscent of devotion last seen with the Kiss Army (30 Seconds to Mars have lovingly dubbed their fans ‘The Echelon’).
We talk with 30 Seconds To Mars about all this and much more in the interview below. To check out music videos, interviews and blogs on 30 Seconds to Mars check out their artist page here!